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Visit Domkirkeodden

Opening hours summer 2024

May 28 - June 17 11:00 am - 4:00 pm

Closed on Mondays

June 18 - August 11 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
All days

August 12 - September 1 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Closed on Mondays

Entrance fee 2024

Adult NOK 150,-
Student and disabled - certificate needed NOK 130,-
Young adult age 16-25 NOK 130,-
Children age 6-15 NOK 70,-
Children under 6 enter for free
Family 1 adult NOK 220,-
Family 2 adults NOK 370,-

We open for requested group tours all year, and architects/ architectural students are asked to contact us  if they want to visit the museum during winter season.

How to get here

By train

  • ​NSB regional train R10 stops at Hamar railway station
  • From the railway station you may take a taxi to Domkirkeodden. Address: Strandvegen 100, 2315 Hamar
  • From the railway station you may also take a half an hour walk by foot along the beautiful lakeside of Lake Mjøsa

Click here for train table.

By car

  • Take the motorway E6 till you reach Åkersvika and follow the road signs showing you the way to the museums.
  • Address: Strangvegen 100, 2315 Hamar

We have a great parking area right outside our main entrance. The parking fee is NOK 20,- per hour or NOK 40,- for an entire day.

The parking fees help financing our beautiful museum park.

By bus

From the railway station you may take bus B21 in the westwards direction. Go off at Strandvegen/ Vognvegen and follow the road Vognvegen 350 metres to the museum.

Click here for bus tables.

  • Visiting

    Domkirkeodden is closed during winter sesaon and open from mid May till mid September. We offer requested tours around the year.

  • Google Maps

To those who come by large coach:

  • Exit E6 via regional road 25 in the direction of Hamar.
  • Follow road 25 till you get to the roundabaout by Cirkle K gas station.
  • Take first exit from the roundabout and follow the street Ringgata till you come to another roundabout and see a lamp store in front of you.
  • Take the second exit from the roundabout and follow the road Kornsilovegen till you have passed the grain silo on your left.
  • Take left down Nystuvegen, here you may pass under the railway as the bridge is 4.30 meters.
  • Take the first to tjhe left after crossing under the railway and follow the road Birkebeinervegen till you reach a Y-crossing.
  • Keep to the right down the road Strandvegen and you will soon get the museum entrance on your right and a bus parking on your left.
Museum24:Portal - 2024.06.11
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2