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Open-Air Museum

Domkirkeodden covers a rather large area of park land which may be visited free of charge so to say all year through. Our Folk Museum is part of the museum park.

The open-air museum gives a good picture of rural life in the Hedmark area during the 18th and 19th century, from large farms to “husmannsplasser” (cotter’s farms) and “seterhus” (pasture log cabins from mountain farms to which the farmer moved their stock during the summer). The more than 60 different buildings are arranged in yards, not in the purpose of copying exactly how farm life was at an exact historical date, but to show the different architectural traditions of the area. All houses have their own history to tell, and you find them spread widely throughout the beautiful landscape of the open-air museum.

Museum Park

When visiting Domkirkeodden you may very well bring your swim wear, football or picknick pasket as the museum park offers lots of space for all kinds of outdoor activities. There are large lawns well suited for playing or sunbathing, we have park tables and benches spread around the park, the shores of the lake may be used for taking a swim, or you can enjoy a nice walk across the lawns and in between the trees just relaxing your soul and looking at the old houses of our Folk Museum.

  • A road of sand and pebbles lead in between teo traditional log cabins in the open air museum.
    Anno Domkirkeodden
  • Old, red wooden house in the open air museum.
  • A road of sand and pebbles and an old, traditional fence leads towards two brown timber houses and a large, old barn.
  • A red, wooden house in two floors are sitting on the banks of the lake with a birch tree to the left.
    Anno Domkirkeodden
  • A couple dressed in traditional Norwegian costumes are walking arm in arm towards two old farm houses.
    Anno Domkirkeodden
  • Two young boys dressed in shorts and T-shirts, one with a cap on his head, stand on a pebbly beach facing towards the water and throwing stones into it.
    Geir Ove Andreassen
  • Four young people have gone swimming in Lake Mjøsa with their clothes on, and on a cliff two more people are standing and watching.
    Geir Ove Andreassen
Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2