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Christmas at Domkirkeodden

In December you may get the best traditional Christmas feeling here at Domkirkeodden!

  • A woman in Medieval costume is lighting candles in the ruins of Hamar cathedral.
    Ranveig Nordbryhn / Anno Domkirkeodden

Christmas Feeling in the Glass Cathedral

When dusk is falling we light candles and invite you to a calm and restful time surrounded by Medieval ruins in the peaceful glass cathedral. There will be storytelling, singing and music to help you lower your shoulders in a hasty pre-Christmas period, and hopefully you will get the good Christmas feeling.

This event takes place at 4:30 pm on the following weekends:
December 2-3
December 9-10
December 16-17

Tickets can be bought in the Museum Shop or online.

Please dress warmly and bring a blanket for your own comfort.

  • A fire is burning in an open fireplace, and a decorated Christmas tree is standing next to it.
    Linda Fredriksberg

Løtenbygningen - the Christmas House

The two laste weekends of November (18-19 and 25-26) there will be a great opportunity to admire and buy different local arts and crafts in the cosy, red house down by the lake. The association responsible for this event is "Brukshåndverkerne i Innlandet", and after two years covid-break they are looking forward to invite people and show their works again.

Opening hours 11:00 am - 4:00 pm

  • A long haired girl dressed in black, the dark fairy "Lussi", holdes two youths rom modern times by their hands.
    Halvard Bjørkås

Lussi - a family musical

Lussi is an evil fairy from Norwegian tradition. In this musical performed by local children and youths you get to know more about the traditions and what people used to believe in the old days, like why it was important not to perform any work with circular movements the day of winter solstice, or what could happen to those who did not mark their doors and cattle with a cross. The play is in Norwegian, but with lots of nice songs and music, so this can be a good experience even if you do not know the Norwegian language all too well.

  • A farihaired troll girl is pointing towards you.
    Halvard Bjørkås

The musical is played on December 9-10 at 4:00 pm.

Tickets may be bought online, or in the Christmas shop if there are any left...

  • A Norwegian gnome is standing in his red, knitted hat with three other persons around and the silhouette of Santa and his reindeer sleigh against the moon in the sky.
    Glennis/ Anton & Bergnissen

Anton & Bergnissen: "The Battle about Christmas"

This is the third year with an outdoor family theatre telling the story about the little boy Anton and how he helps out deciding who is going to take over as Father Christmas since the local one has now passed away.

The show lasts an hour and is played at 3:30 pm and 6:00 pm on December 3, 9, 10.

Buy ticket

As this play is all outdoors, the audience have to make sure they wear warm clothes. We also advice to bringe blankets, and maybe some hot chockolate or other warm drink. There will also be some refreshments for sale.

Museum24:Portal - 2024.06.11
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2